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Achieving results: dealing with complexity, uncertainty and conflicts

by Rami Goldratt  

Rami masterfully presents in this TOC for Education Virtual Conference webinar some insights to the latest develoment of the late Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt: The Science of Management. Using the five focusing steps as he explains how the amount of management's attention is the limiting factor to achieve the desirable outcome when dealing with elements of reality such as complexity, uncertainty and conflicts. Throughout the presentation he makes reference to the application of these insights to the Education field and the challenges faced by education when looked from this perspective.

Duration: 50 min
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Level of knowledge
  • Introductory
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Change Management/Buy-In
  • Decisive Competitive Edge (DCE)
  • Ever-flourishing
  • Ongoing Improvement
  • Strategy and Tactics
  • Thinking Processes
TOC Applications:
  • Five Focusing Steps
  • Thinking Processes
  • Education
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